Hi, I’m Lucy, the Midwife looking after you today 🤗
I’m going to be real with you guys, scallops that are well cooked are not as juicy or yummy as when they are pan seared- BUT this is the only AND safest way to consume scallops when pregnant.
Just like oysters, scallops are low in mercury, so you can enjoy them without concern (when thoroughly cooked). While they may not taste exactly the same, your health (and your baby’s) is what matters most!
Top Tips for Safely Consuming Scallops Whilst Pregnant:
- When cooking scallops, ensure you cook them until they are firm, opaque and white in colour. This will ensure you have cooked off the dangerous bacteria. You can also check their serving temperature- this should be 70 degrees.
- Make sure you buy your scallops fresh and eat them on the day of purchase!
- Peanut suggests that prior to cooking scallops, it is always a good idea to run them under a cold tap to ensure they are clean and then to dry them off using paper towel.
- Limit your overall seafood servings to 2-3 servings per week.
The Centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) also recommends sticking to 2 to 3 servings of shellfish/fish per week, which totals around 200- 300 grams a week. A serving size is around 100 grams before cooking, and it's best to choose low-mercury options (see the chart below) Just keep an eye on/avoid the fish that are higher in mercury, and you’re all set.

Health Benefits of Scallops During Pregnancy:
- Scallops are a good source of Vitamin B12. This is Important for brain development. Interestingly, the consumption of Vitamin B12 in women pre-conception has also been shown to improve the brain development of their children.
- Scallops contain omega-3 fatty acids - which are crucial for the development of your baby’s brain and nervous system.
- It's a lean, low-calorie source of protein.
- Scallops are a good source of Iron. A good source of iron during your pregnancy will help you avoid becoming anaemic, may help you feel less tired and may help you stay away from needing to supplement your diet with iron tablets.
- Scallops are also a good source of Magnesium. Magnesium in pregnancy can help with morning sickness, can promote good sleep, improved bone health and hydration levels.
Foods to Avoid During Your Pregnancy:
General food preparation is an important step in keeping you well. Keep your hands and surfaces clean and wash all your foods thoroughly, especially fruit and vegetables. Always make sure your food is well cooked to ensure any bugs have been killed off with the heat.
Avoid these foods when pregnant:
1. Foods that are made with unpasteurised milk to avoid listeriosis. Such foods consist of:
- Mould ripened cheeses and soft blue cheeses
- Unpasteurized milk/cream/yogurt
2. Cold cured meats and raw/under cooked meats to avoid toxoplasmosis:
- Liver or liver products
- All kinds of pate
- Prosciutto/pancetta
3. Goose, partridge/pheasant to avoid the risk of lead poisoning
4. Eggs that aren’t British Lion eggs – eggs that are raw or partially cooked can increase your risk of catching salmonella
5. Raw/smoked shellfish/fish to avoid parasites/bacteria. Specifics to note:
- No more than 2 servings of oily fish a week
- Keep a limit on your tuna consumption (4 tins or 2 tuna steaks a week at most)
- Avoid sushi with raw fish/ sashimi
- Avoid swordfish/marlin and shark due to the mercury levels
6. Liquorice root due to the high levels of glycyrrhizin which has been linked to fetal developmental issues
7. Consume no more than 200mg of caffeine a day (Tommy’s website has a great caffeine calculator to help you understand how much caffeine is too much)
8. No more than 4 cups of herbal tea a day (raspberry leaf tea from 32 weeks only)
9. No high dose vitamins or vitamins that include vitamin A. I would stick to pregnancy approved vitamins and always check with your midwife/doctor before taking any.
10. Avoid alcohol, completely. If you require help with this (or quitting smoking) please contact your midwife or GP and they will be able to support you to get help in stopping.
Safe and happy eating,
Lucy x